
Good Deeds Return in Good Ways

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore



Learn About the Hearts Behind Black Band

Meet Our Visionaries

about foundation

what have we done with your help

Black Band has made significant strides in our mission to alleviate suffering and improve the lives of vulnerable communities across Pakistan. Through our impactful projects and unwavering commitment, we have provided vital support to those in need. From distributing food and clean water to families facing hunger and dehydration, to offering shelter and rehabilitation services to the homeless and survivors of violence, we have touched the lives of countless individuals. Our emergency response teams have been at the forefront of disaster relief efforts, providing immediate assistance and relief to communities affected by floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. Through education and skills training programs, we have empowered individuals to build better futures for themselves and their families. With the support of our generous donors, dedicated volunteers, and compassionate staff, we have made a tangible difference in the lives of the most marginalized and underserved populations in Pakistan.

join our Action and everyone can help
..Since.. 2022
need your help

How Can You help?

together Pledge

Through our Together Pledge initiative, we encourage individuals, businesses, and communities to join hands in support of those in need. We can make a meaningful impact in the lives of vulnerable populations across Pakistan, ensuring that no one is left behind.

Donate for HOmless

Your donation can provide much-needed relief and support to homeless individuals and families in Pakistan. With your generosity, we can provide shelter, food, and essential services to those experiencing homelessness, helping them regain their dignity.


Join us in fundraising for a cause you care about. By rallying your friends, family, and colleagues to support, you can help raise vital funds and awareness for our projects and initiatives, bringing hope and assistance to marginalized communities across Pakistan.

need your help

we are always where



Has been served to the people in need till now



Has been taking advantage of our aid and kindness



Was provided to those who cannot have a direct access to it

We Change Your Life & World

Meet Our Volunteers